Prompt Challenge

In Your Face.

Completely unnatural photos was the goal of this essay. That, and to really get in. your. face.


Close-up: I chose this element as a part of my final design because in any instance that they were used to define a person’s mood or facial expression, I felt they really spoke to the reader. I felt that although the depth of the photo may seem lost because the frame is completely full, there is depth to be found in the eyes and expression on the subject’s face. In order to achieve this goal, cropping may need to be part of the editing process to make sure the area of intent was captured and portrayed correctly. 

Additionally, I increased contrast, and was going to include deeper captions.

Beyond the draft: After further consideration and examination of the photos produced throughout the shoot, I decided to eliminate deep captions. Instead, I utilized a bit of dry humor to enhance the edited drafts. Future meme’s, anyone? All pictures were edited to include a feature called color-lookup targeting various colors of the photo. [original work can be found here.]